On this week's Hangout Session 06, meet Miki Molnar, the dynamic co-founder and head coach at Amplify, Portugal's lead fitness boutique.
With an unwavering passion for fitness and a commitment to empowering individuals on their wellness journeys, Miki has created a vibrant community of no comparison or competition, just dedicated to achieving the highest version of oneself. Join us in getting to know more about Miki's experiences and vision for Amplify and the future of fitness in Portugal.
Miki is wearing The Pack Muy Shida Denim Jacket, House of Curated x Huarte Exclusive Corduroy Trousers, Ivory Frog Fam Trucker Hat and Shinkokyu Sneakers.
HOC: Describe a typical day in your life:
My evenings during the week are usually chill either meeting friends or watching a show on Netflix. On weekends we love to discover new places, restaurants, beaches, or parties. Lisbon is such a dream city to live in with everything.
HOC: What are you currently fascinated by?
Miki: I have a forever fascination with music. Since I'm teaching multiple practices a day I have to prepare around 15 new playlists weekly. Discovering new artistic ways and exploring new musical experiences are at the centre of my life.
HOC: Can you share your guilty pleasure?
Miki: haha I don't know how guilty it is but I could take a hot bath multiple times a day. I love it so much that since most of the flats have no bathtubs here, I got a tub in our garden you can heat with a woodfire.
HOC: How do you describe your personal style?
Miki: Working in the fitness industry, most of my days are in sportswear. So my only option to shake things up is by picking bold colors.
But whenever I’m going out for dinner or parties, I love mixing oversized things with independent designer pieces or with some vintage gems.
HOC: Name three must-have items in your wardrobe:
Miki: Caps/hats and sunglasses in any shape and form and a new pair of sneakers.

HOC: Congratulations on winning the Best Gym of Portugal! What do you think sets Amplify apart from other fitness boutiques?
Miki: Thank you! We are so grateful to everyone who voted for us!
I think one of our biggest superpowers is our incredible community.
One of our members came up with the #famplify word and it became a part of our identity. We created an inclusive space with no competition and no comparison for everyone to help you become the highest version of yourself.
HOC: Can you share the story behind the creation of Amplify and what inspired you to start this venture?
Miki: I was working in the fitness industry from the very beginning of my career, and I was always planning a space with all the ideas that I wanted to do better.
With Mike, my partner we were looking for partners and investors for this project, the first boutique fitness of Portugal which we knew could be one of the best fitness and wellness boutiques in the world.
It wasn't easy. We got a lot of negative feedback saying that Portugal was not ready yet.
After many rejections but with lots of persistence, we met with the right partner to create this amazing place. The rest is history.
HOC: How do you foster such a large and engaging community within Amplify?
Miki: Passion, Love & Care.
I believe in what I do. With the help of physical exercise, you can
transform so much more than just your body. I want to help to show that to as many people as possible.
Building a team that believes in the project as much as me is crucial.
Especially when you start growing, finding the right people is everything. And we are very blessed with the best team ever.
HOC: How do you stay innovative and keep up with the evolving trends in the fitness industry and what role do you see Amplify playing in Lisbon's fitness landscape in the future?
Miki: The US are always a great place to get inspired. But only following trends is not enough. Reading, listening to podcasts, exploring new ideas and connecting to other inspiring people and stories are also a great way to stay updated. We always knew that being the first boutique fitness in the country wouldn't be easy, since we had to show people that fitness can be way more than just a physical workout but also a transformative experience.
HOC: What are your goals for this year? (professional and personally)
Miki: As you probably heard, this year Amplify goes international: On April 11th we are opening an Amplify studio in Nice, France. The studio is gorgeous. I can't wait to show you around. And another big thing is on the way in Lisbon: we are opening our third studio with a new concept: Amplify Avenida. The studio will focus on yoga and holistic practices. All the practices will focus on resetting and recharging energy. On a personal level, my focus this year is to turn all my energy from consuming into creation. I want to create as much as possible. Experiences, memories, business ideas. Make new things happen.
HOC: As you know, at HOC we only have small and independent designers/brands. Are there any emerging designers or brands that you are keeping an eye on?
Miki: That’s one of the reasons I love to go to you guys. Because you are highlighting brands that I have never heard of before. I'm in love with the hats of Hurricane Lab, and the way they showcase the preparation of the hats in their atelier in Porto. As a young designer, I love the work of my friend who created @kataszegedi. She is so talented.
You can follow Miki (@trainwithmiki) and Amplify (@amplifylisbon) on Instagram.
All photos and videos were shot by Tiago Pestana. Follow him on Instagram @tiagobpestana.
Stay tuned for more hangouts with very special guests soon.